Monday 28 November 2022

The Fort by POORVIT GOYAL K1W (1)

The Birthday Party by Lam Ka Hei K1R (4)

The birthday cake for my grandmother's birthday.

The Fort by Lam Ka Hei, K1R (4)

I read my Elmo book in my fort.

‘Halloween Costume’ by Lam Ka Hei, K1R (4)

'I look like a Captain America.'

'Buddy the Bear' by (Sanjay Sugumar Disha Kirti, K3-W, 8)

The fort by Ashley Tang tsz ying k1w(10)

Dear all,

The fort and the river.

Beat regards,

Buddy the bear (Tejal, K3W-14)

Hello Teachers and Friends,

My favourite toy is doll and it always with me and play with it most of the time.

Thanks and regards,

Friday 25 November 2022

Buddy the Bear

Good morning, everyone,

Today’s story is about a toy                              .

It is in level D and it is titled ‘Buddy the Bear’ 


After you read the story. Please do the following:

1. What is your favourite toy? Draw a picture of it and write a sentence under the picture,

“My favourite toy is ________________________ .”

2. Take a photo of your picture and email it as an attachment to:

3. On the subject line of the email please write, ‘Buddy the Bear’ by (student’s name, class and class number)

4. In the body of the email, you can write a message to your classmates or teachers (remember that your email signature will also be included in the post)

5. Check for what has already been posted. If you want to comment on a post, please be kind and encouraging. 

Building With Blocks

 Building with Blocks level A

Hello Everyone,

Today we will read about building blocks.

It is in level A and it is titled, “Building with Blocks” 

After you listen and record the book. Please do the following assignment.

1. What can you build with blocks? Build something and take a picture!

2. Take a photo and email it as an attachment to:

3. On the subject line of the email please write, "Building with Blocks + (Student’s name, class level and class number)"

4. In the body of the email, you can write a message to classmates or teachers (please note that the whole email will also be included in the post including your email signature if you have one)

5. Check to see assignments that have already been posted. If you want to comment on a post, please be kind and encouraging. 

The Fort


The Fort

Hello Everyone,

A fort in the living room can change how normal things feel. Even reading is more fun if it is done in a fort.

Today’s book is, “The Fort” 

After you listen and record the book. Please do the following assignment.

1. Draw a picture of a fort, or ask if you can build a fort from blankets, chairs, and pillows. Read another book in the fort.

2. Take a photo of your fort and email it as an attachment to:

3. On the subject line of the email please write, "The Fort by (Student’s name, class level, and class number)"

4. In the body of the email, you can write a message to classmates or teachers (please note that the whole email will also be included in the post including your email signature if you have one)

5. Check to see assignments that have already been posted. If you want to comment on a post, please be kind and encouraging. 

Tuesday 22 November 2022

City Streets Aarav Soni K1Y(10) 😊

hi friends,
 I like every place in Hong Kong, what is your favourite place in Hong Kong?

Friday 18 November 2022

October Reading Recognition

 In late September, we introduced the reading APP, “Kids A-Z.” At the end of October, we analyzed the data from the APP to find the students that read, listened, and recorded the most online books. We wanted to give some recognition to those students who are using this very valuable resource.


“Recording Rockstar” Ng Pui Lam

“Top Reader” Ho Kam Hin

“Loves to Listen” Ng Pui Lam


“Recording Rockstar” Yohji Cataluna

“Top Reader” Yohji Cataluna

“Loves to Listen” Moksh Shah


“Recording Rockstar” Rahma Mehmood

“Top Reader” Dominion Akingbada

“Loves to Listen” Diyana Joshi

Go Away Lily

   Hi all,

Today’s book is about a pet cat.

It is in level C and it is titled ‘Go Away, Lily’ 


After you read the story. Please do the following:

1. What pet do you want to have? Draw a picture of it and write a sentence under the picture,  

‘I want to have a ________________.’

2. Take a photo of your picture and email it as an attachment to:

3. On the subject line of the email please write, ‘Go Away, Lily’ by (student’s name, class and class number)

4. In the body of the email, you can write a message to your classmates or teachers (remember that your email signature will also be included in the post)

5. Check for what has already been posted. If you want to comment on a post, please be kind and encouraging. 

Bird Colours

Bird Colours

Hello Everyone,

Today we will read about Colours.

It is in level A and it is titled, “Bird Colors” 

After you listen and record the book. Please do the following assignment.

1. Divide a paper into 4 parts and draw different coloured items (toy cars, lego bricks, doll clothes, etc) or photograph them. Write about it “This ____ is yellow (red, blue, orange, green, purple).”

2. Take a photo of your picture and email it as an attachment to:

3. On the subject line of the email please write, "Bird Colours + (Student’s name, class level and class number)"

4. In the body of the email, you can write a message to classmates or teachers (please note that the whole email will also be included in the post including your email signature if you have one)

5. Check to see assignments that have already been posted. If you want to comment on a post, please be kind and encouraging. 

City Street


City Street

Hello Everyone,

I love Hong Kong, It has so many different areas. Tall buildings, country parks, temples, shops, waterfront… What is your favorite part of the city?

Today’s book is, “City Street” 

After you listen and record the book. Please do the following assignment.

1. Draw a picture of a city you know. Write the name of the city under the picture!

2. Take a photo of your picture and email it as an attachment to:

3. On the subject line of the email please write, "City Street by (Student’s name, class level and class number)"

4. In the body of the email, you can write a message to classmates or teachers (please note that the whole email will also be included in the post including your email signature if you have one)

5. Check to see assignments that have already been posted. If you want to comment on a post, please be kind and encouraging. 

Wednesday 2 November 2022